Posted: August 21, 2011
If you had your social security disability application denied in Cincinnati Ohio you may what to know what do to do. You know you can not work . You may have a heart problem , epilepsy, diabetes, back injury , head or traumatic brain injury , but what should you do right know. If this was you first denial normally you have 60 days to appeal your social security disabilty application denial. What are you going to do different? There are many things that an experienced social security disability lawyer can do for you. But I emphasize you need to find an experienced lawyer. How do you know the lawyer that will be the best for you. I just wrote a blog article on 1 critical piece of evidence that you must have for your social security disability application. I invite you to take a look at that artice to see if you had that piece of evidence presented. Even if you did, it must be presented properly. An experienced social security disability lawyer should know about this important piece of evidence and how to use it in conjunction with your treating physican. In the event your case goes all the way to an adminstrative law judge hearing your attorney should know how to use this evidence against a vocational expert. You see its the Judges' obligation to determine your physical functional capacity. Such things as how long you can sit, stand, walk and how much you can lift. But the judge must use a vocational expert in some cases to determine in light of your residual functional capacity are there jobs you can do, or are there no significant jobs you can do which would then win you social security disability benefits application. In some cases the judge is restricted from using a vocational expert if you meet a listing or a grid regulation. This article can not go into all aspects of winning your social security disability application, but if you click here to go to my web site for help from a Cincinnati Ohio social security disability lawyer you will find a wealth of articles and videos. You can learn about some of the following critical aspects of a social security disability benefits application such as: The Social security disability benefits application process, What you must do to win you claim The differnce between SSI and SSD 7 Mistakes that can wreck your social security case. More keys to winnning your social security disability application. Why you can afford to hire a social security attorney without worring about an hourly bill. Also you can learn 13 reasons why social security disability benefit applicants hire Anthony Castelli a social security disability benefits lawyer. Just because you were denied at the initial application does not mean you can't win your case. I have won many disability cases after the claimant was initially denied. There are many things that can be done to improve your prospects of winning your social security disability benefits application. I have listed several of them in this article. To recap: Get your treating physician on board, get a residual functional capacity form filled out by him. If you would like a free copy of the form I use I will gladly send it to you. But better yet make an appointment for a free case evaluation by filling out the box in the upper right hand corner or call me at 1-800-447-6549. I have been handling social security cases for 30 years. This is what a man was kind enough to send in about the assistance I gave his daughter for her social security disability benefits application: "A little over two years ago my daughter was denied her appeal for social security disability. Not knowing what else to do, I contacted your office and was provided Mr. Tony Castelli's name as a lawyer who had significant experience and success with social security disability claims based on MS. Thank you for the referral. I contacted Mr. Castelli and interviewed with him and my daughter. He took the case. It took 2 years and 2 months from the time he filed in our behalf to finally getting the hearing. During that period, Mr. Castelli diligently researched the case and provided supporting evidence to the social security administration and the court – even making phone calls to determine the cause for delay. I’m happy to report his diligence paid off. Yesterday the Court granted Debbie permanent disability status. I highly recommend him to you – and thank you for the original referral which directly led to a successful appeal and social security disability for Debbie. Again, my thanks – Mr. Castelli is a fine man and represented us well." Sincerely, Jerry P.S. I rarely provide referrals because I’m rarely so impressed with effort/results. You and Toni took on a hard job and done good. Debbie’s, Valerie’s and my thanks. Jerry I would love the opportunity to turn your denial into a succesful application. Contact me today.